Animals The Best of Elephants

The Best of Elephants


Elephants are often called the engineers of the bush – they help shape the ecosystem and they can do it with ease because of their large size. These incredible creatures are amongst the largest animals on our planet, captivating us with their impressive size, intelligence, and gentle demeanour. Elephants are not only significant to the natural world and the ecosystem, but they also hold a special place in our lives as humans and within our cultures. Elephants represent wisdom, strength, power, nurturing and much more. For as long as humans have existed, elephants have meant something special to us.

Elephants Making a Scene

Two elephants take the spotlight at the ol Donyo waterhole – showing off in front of giraffe and zebra

African elephants are reliant on water; large adults may drink as much as 225 L of water per day, they are also quite picky about the water they drink and, in times of drought, will prefer to dig for water in dry riverbeds than drink muddy water. An elephant’s trunk may hold as much as 10 L of water.

Tangled Elephant Trunks

Two elephants take the spotlight at the ol Donyo waterhole – showing off in front of giraffe and zebra

Elephants display a remarkable depth of emotion, intelligence and complex behaviours, forming strong bonds with one another. They convey affection through touch, grooming, and even what appears to be elephant hugs with their trunks.

A Very Cute Elephant Calf

Elephant calves under a year old are able to pass under mom’s body and have little control of their trunks which they wield around clumsily.

Calves weigh about 100-120kg at birth. Until about a year old, the little calf can pass under its mother’s belly. Though it only drinks milk for the first few months, it still tries to use its trunk to interact with the new world around it. At around 4 months old calves begin eating vegetation little by little, and by a year old they’ve kind of figured out what their trunk is for, however it takes many more months even years of practice to gain full and precise use of the unruly appendage

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